Leaders of Anti-Ageism

Let’s be honest with ourselves – ageism is not presented in the media nearly half as much as racism or sexism. Nor does it have many major leaders fighting it. Sexism has the likes of Emma Watson (#HeForShe), Obama, and many other huge names. However, when it comes down to ageism, there isn’t many to pop up.

However, those who are interested in trying to make a change, are doing amazing things. I would like to recognize them and their amazing work.

Meryl Streep is an amazing person I would like to talk about. Not only is she a great actress, and super cool in “Into the Woods”, but Meryl has funded a screenwriting lab for women over the age of 40. This being because she believes that the world can and should, “embrace the more challenging message” of ageism.


My next person is Madonna. Madonna, when talking to the Rolling Stones magazine, stated that, “Because women, generally, when they reach a certain age, have accepted that they’re not allowed to behave a certain way”. She didn’t seem to enjoy the idea that people, upon reaching a certain age were expected to think, act, and speak a certain way.

I think, like Meryl and Madonna, people should speak up more and do more to fight ageism and ageist people. It’s time to take a stand against discrimination of any kind. Let it be racism, sexism, ableism, or ageism or any other possible way to discriminate against a person.

Please, speak up and let’s make the world a good place for everyone!


Madonna Compares Ageism Against Her to Racism and Homophobia. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.billboard.com/articles/news/6487469/madonna-compares-ageism-against-her-to-racism-and-homophobia

Meryl Streep attacks film industry ageism. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/celebritynews/4274528/Meryl-Streep-attacks-film-industry-ageism.html

Shah, Y. (n.d.). Meryl Streep’s Awesome Move To Fight Ageism In Hollywood. Retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/04/22/meryl-streep-screenwriting-lab_n_7117498.html

Leaders of Anti-Ageism

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